Mauro Valorani
Full professor
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Mauro Valorani is Full Professor in Aerospace Propulsion at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. His research work is mostly related to modeling and computational techniques in Reacting Flows (Combustion, Aero-thermo-chemistry); super critical combustion; model reduction, analysis, and solution of large chemical kinetic mechanisms in view of CFD applications; development of stiff solvers for dissipative systems; UQ problems in Reacting Flows. He is currently involved in projects related to super critical combustion and spray combustion in thrust chambers of Liquid Rocket Engines for the VEGA Space Launcher. He is author and co-author of more than 80 products on International Archival Journals and International Conference Proceedings. His papers have been cited more than 1150 times (h-index=18, Scopus, August 2020). He currently teaches courses in Aerospace Engineering both at the Bachelor and Master Degree level. He acts as Coordinator of the Doctoral Course in Aeronautical and Space Engineering, Sapienza - University of Rome. He acted as Coordinator of the Professional Master Course in Space Transportation Systems, Sapienza - University of Rome. He is co-founder of the International Workshop in Model Reduction in Reacting Flow and member of the Workshop’s Scientific Committee. He collaborated with several international research groups (CRF/Sandia Livermore, CCRC/KAUST,…). He acts and acted as consultant for Italian Space Agency (ASI); European Space Agency (ESA); GE AVIO, Rivalta, Italy; AVIO Colleferro, Italy; ENEA Casaccia, Italy; Italian Ship Naval Basin (INSEAN), Italy; CIRA, Italy. He is Senior Member of the American Institute Aerospace and Astronautics, Member of the Combustion Institute, Member and Italian Representative of the Von Karman Institute Alumni Association.